Necta form four results 2024

nectaNECTA is a government institution established by Law in 1973 with the responsibility of administering national examinations in Tanzania. Before 1973, all national examinations were administered by the Curriculum and Examinations Section of the Ministry of Education after Mainland Tanzania had pulled out of the East African Examinations Council in 1971. Having been established, NECTA took over this responsibility but Curriculum issues continued to be handled by the Ministry of Education and the University College, Dar es Salaam until another autonomous institution, the Institute of Curriculum Development (ICD) was established in 1975, which was renamed as the Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) in 1993.

Between 1972 and 1976 the first employees of NECTA were recruited, among them being Mr. P. P. Gandye who was recruited in 1972 and later on appointed as the Executive Secretary in 1994. Recruitment of other employees continued, particularly after NECTA’s offices were relocated from the Ministry of Education’s headquarters to the current location in Kijitonyama, close to Mwenge. At the moment, the organization has more than 350 employees.




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